To order scores, please in contact.

Under the Shadow of Kiley’s Hill, SATB (2000)       commissioned by The Australian Voices

Brave Ned Kelly, SATB (arr.) (2002)       

Jesu Dulcis Memoria, SATB (2003)

Dirt Cry, SATB (2004)

Spirit of the North, SATB (2005)

Yango, SATB (2006)        (Northern Spirit)

This Night, SATB (2006)

Orpheus with his lute, SATB (2006)

La Noche en la isla, SATB (2007)

Yhi and Bahloo, SATB (2007) commissioned by The Australian Voices 

Bayami, SSATBB (2007)

Deutsche Volkslieder / German Folksongs

Christ ist erstanden, SATB (2007); So treiben wir den Winter aus (2008); Reigenslied (2008); Grüß Gott, du schöner Maien, SATB (2006); v. Drum komme, wem der Mai gefällt (2008); Der Jäger in dem grünen Wald, SATB (2006)  (Northern Spirit); Wir reisen ins Sommerland, SATB (2007); viii. Der Kuckuck auf der Baume saß, SSAA (2009); Herbst ist da, SATB (2008); x. Der Mond ist aufgegangen, SATB (2007); Dat du min Leevsten büst, SATB (2006); Nu laat uns singen dat Abendleed, SATB (2008); Kein Feuer, keine Kohle, SSA (2007); O du schöner Rosengarten, SATB (2010); Macht hoch die Thür, SATB (2007); Es kommt ein Schiff geladen, SATB (2007); O du fröliche, SATB (2007)

Maria durch ein Dornwald ging, SATB (2007) PURCHASE

Nullandi, SATB (2008)

Land des Norden, SATB (2008)

Abenddämmerung, voices (2008)

Priepriggie, SATB (2009)

Castles, SATB & Pf. (2009) commissioned by the Hunter Singers

Heart Sutra, SATB (Trad. Tibeten arr. Gordon Hamilton) (2010)

To an Early-Flowering Almond, SATB (optional piano or string accompaniment)

Governor Macquarie, Sailing Home, SA(B), Pf. and optional strings (2010) commissioned by the NSW Department of Education and Training

Where the Pelican Builds Her Nest, SA, Pf. (2010) commissioned by Kim Sutherland for premiere at A.N.C.A Choralfest 2010.

Toy-Story 3 = Awesome! (The Facebook Song), SATB purchase

Julian Assange, you can crash on my couch, SATB (2011)

Ice Blue, SATB (2011) commissioned by The Melbourne Festival of Choirs

MOON, SATB (2011) commissioned by The Australian Voices with assistance from Arts Queensland

Mrs Macqueen’s Milk, SAB & Pf (commissioned by The Hunter Singers)

Tra$h Ma$h, SATB (2012) commissioned by The Australian Voices with assistance from Arts Queensland

Love's Coming, for piano and voice (2012)

Initialise, SATB (2012) commissioned by The Australian Voices

Who Are We, SATB (2014)

Love is space and time, for piano and voice (2014)

Dark Hour, SATB (2015)

Elegy in Memoriam Rupert Brooke (arr. after F.S. Kelly), SATB (2015)

Turing Believes Machines Think,  SATB (2016)